About us

we created Terra88 and its products out of pure necessity.

Our goal is to offer tools that Pro Creators use daily, not all the fancy Hue shifted Luts and grades but more so the foundational tools, The conversion, The environment, The Tone.

ALL these elements need to be met before we seek to expand into our creativity.


The industry is full of Wild Over coloured LUTS, and full of Royalty Free platforms offering finished music, ready to be used in a project but sometimes you need more, and sometimes there needs to be a tone that sets the tone between scenes.

Sometimes we do not want to have a full song playing over our footage sometimes we need just a feeling, a tone or an environment which royalty-free platforms do not offer in a unique and customisable way.


So we created our own products that do.


Terra Eight Eight 

Is a project created by Charlie Hunt, He found that other creators and companies were focusing on the last step of the creative process.


"When I start a project I need to first convert my footage, then I look for an atmosphere like the sound of a meadow a stream in the distance a cattle of cows, then I work on music my visual edit and audio fill and sfx. My point is, there's a whole mountain of prep I need to do before I'm close to applying that creative LUT or Song that glues the edit together, it's a HUGE part of my creative process and I don't think it's addressed enough with new content creators and I think having the tools to start is essential, that's why I made Terra Eight Eight! " - Charlie Hunt.





Charlie Hunt Media -

These are personal products from Charlie Hunt. 



These are products created with industry professionals in mind.



This is the combination of both Cineweg & Charlie Hunt Media.